Monday 8 February 2010

final video

Here is my finished editorial based entirely on the theme of cotton in uzbekistan.
i am so pleased with the way they turned out.
i also added an article from which really pushed my indesign skills to the limit but adds priceless information to the concept.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

these animations get better everytime

white gold- a crime we all fund

would you wear cotton if you knew a 9 year old was forced to farm it even though the farm has a plough?
would you want to support a country that takes all the profit for itself and supposedly boils its oppositions alive?

this research has made me feel physically sick, and yet it is little reported on although it affects us all.

Monday 7 December 2009


Perhaps it would be a good point to explain Brechtian theatre.

I studied Drama for GCSE and found this theology captivating and real genius.

His idea was to use humour or alienation to make a point. By presenting the play and characters as something strange, something to watch out for rather then be watched.
The best way to explain this is by describing the play i saw it applied to...
Animal farm by a traveling theatre. The George Orwell, micro-cosm is a social commentary on elitism, politics and crimes against humanity. To make these tender subjects light and humourous doesn't sound true to Orwell's book.

However- The theatre company used comedy to draw the audience in.
The perfect example was when a benevolent character, a horse, was sold off for glue.
The company chose to show this with a child's toy van with a toy horse on the roof in a simple stop frame animation.
The presentation, humourous music and attitude of the ensemble cast made the situation seem hysterical,
but when the music faded and the scene moved on,
the audience is left with a feeling of guilt,
having just laughed at a good character being brutally killed for monietary gain.

all fashion houses use the manipulation of emotion in their marketing strategies.
But rather to sell as its primary focus i want to use this delicate abuse of emotion to convey a more important point then just the clothes.
Not making them obsolete, rather just using the beauty of fashion as a platform

Example of amature live stop frame

Here is an live animation in the style of the coldplay video.
By an aquaintence and illustration student called Matt Box (

The idea of doing something quite simple, comical, captivating but really intricate and obviously skilled really appeals to me.
Fashion videos in my experience are always very conceptual- arty, and dont really appeal to the general public who dont go to art school.
I want the focus of my project to be using fashion as a medium to communicate socio-political problems so I want to make them accessable to all.
By presenting in a mildly amusing form,
I'm sort of evoking the style of Brecht.
Making people think through humour.
Focusing on the reaction drawing attention to the issue